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De genocidewet in international perspectief
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2804409589 9782804409586 Year: 2002 Volume: 8 Publisher: Brussel: Larcier,

Genocide : a comprehensive introduction.
ISBN: 9780415353847 9780415353854 9780203347447 0415353858 041535384X 0203347447 Year: 2006 Publisher: Londen Routledge

Arms flows in eastern DR Congo
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2004 Publisher: London All Party Parliamentary Group on the Great Lakes region and Genocide Prevention

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Rwanda, essai sur le génocide
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2870275382 9782870275382 Year: 1994 Publisher: Bruxelles Complexe

Dancing in the glory of monsters : the collapse of the Congo and the great war of Africa /.
ISBN: 9781610391078 9781586489298 1610391071 1586489291 Year: 2012 Publisher: New York PublicAffairs

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At the heart of Africa is Congo, a country the size of Western Europe, bordering nine other nations, that since 1996 has been wracked by a brutal and unstaunchable war in which millions have died. And yet, despite its epic proportions, it has received little sustained media attention. In this deeply reported book, Jason Stearns vividly tells the story of this misunderstood conflict through the experiences of those who engineered and perpetrated it. He depicts village pastors who survived massacres, the child soldier assassin of President Kabila, a female Hutu activist who relives the hunting and methodical extermination of fellow refugees, and key architects of the war that became as great a disaster as- and was a direct consequence of - the genocide in neighboring Rwanda. Through their stories, he tries to understand why such mass violence made sense, and why stability has been so elusive. Through their voices, and an astonishing wealth of knowledge and research, Stearns chronicles the political, social, and moral decay of the Congolese State.

Le patron de Dallaire parle : révélations sur les dérives d'un général de l'ONU au Rwanda
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2952231508 Year: 2005 Volume: *1

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[All Party Parliamentary Group on the Great Lakes region and Genocide Prevention : documentatiemap]
Publisher: [Antwerpen]

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Misdaden tegen de mensheid : de internationale strijd tegen straffeloosheid
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9033459531 9789033459535 Year: 2006 Volume: 2 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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Waar in het verleden de zwaarste misdrijven in oorlogen en andere conflictsituaties vaak ongestraft bleven, werden de laatste tien jaar heel wat initiatieven genomen om gerechtigheid te doen geschieden. Zo was er o.a. de oprichting van het Joegoslavië- en Rwandatribunaal, de zaak Pinochet, de totstandkoming van het Internationaal Strafhof en de genocidewet. Omdat de problematiek van de straffeloosheid bijzonder actueel blijft, men hoeft maar aan de moeilijke bewijslast in verband met de misdaden van Milosevic te denken, worden in dit boek de verschillende dimensies ervan belicht vanuit een veelvoud aan invalshoeken. Naast enkele informatieve bijdragen en getuigenissen van bevoorrechte spelers en experts wil het boek nader ingaan op ruimere kwesties: de psychologische, ethische en economische verklaringen van misdaden tegen de mensheid, de verschillende vormen van gerechtigheid in postconflictsituaties, de problematiek van duurzame vredesopbouw, de rol van multinationals in conflictgebieden, enz.

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